Friday, January 4, 2008

Living the Truth!

Sometimes a person understands and believes a truth but he is too stubborn to live it.
I believe this was me alot of time in my life.
I believed so much that it is not worth to depend on people but I always did. As well I believed that Miracles would happen if God was your first person you go to and share with your life but I rarely did that.
Thank God, The previous period in my life made me understand this truth and now it is time to write about and share it with everyone because after living it I could tell you it IS REAL LOVE in my life. It is endless Love, it is someone that you could depend on and never let you down.It is God present in your life with all his GLory. You know God turned me from a Lonely, depressed and a weak person to someone who is very strong, loving, sparkling with hope, active and everything good you could imagine. I cant explain or describe how his love and peace could turn the heavy burdens in our hearts and lives. If you feel really you want him in your life never give up, talk to him, tell him I want you...come to my life..Dont ever feel he is not listening but you just say it from your heart. Say it out LOUD I want you. Go for him, visit him, cry out loud and ask for him in your life. A bit by bit you will feel his lovely spirit inside you.
Remember he loves you and wants you with him,
Dont ever GIVE UP!
Dear Jesus,
Our sweet, tender, loving and forgiving heart...words are never enough to explain your unbelievable love, your infinite care and sweet loving message you send to us everyday actually every moment in our lives. It is amazing the many chances you give to your kids. Your insistance that every one MUST be with you and between your arms gives warmth and faith for human beings even if we do the worest mistakes ever. You change blame and self critisizm into hope and belief for us to be better. We pray that you would always be in our lives..We pray for self peace and love.
with love,
Your Kids

1 comment:

AbdelRahman :) said...

7elwa awy and i really feel everyword feha! da problem ya Nanis is: why we always return to GOD when we need something from him?? like: our failure times, exams times, hard times, death times,etc ...
and when we feel like everything is ok,it's very rarely to return and be what we used to be in our bad moments, get it??
Rabena m3aki and again it's amazing topic ;)