Monday, October 15, 2007

Ana masry!

I would like to share with you a very special song that really touches me sang by Ehab Abdou, One of the young Egyptian leaders that really inspired me with his ideas about Egypt and his hope in the Egyptian Youth. He is the present President for "Nahdet el Mahrousa",(one of the most well-known NGOs in Egypt). I met Mr.Ehab in one of the sessions he presented in the IIE program, at the end of his session he sang this song which everybody really liked. The song is called "ana masry".This song sounds very special because it reminds me of two of my dreams. The first one is a better Egypt where everybody would feel himself as a FIRST citizen.The second dream that moslems and christians would feel really united not only by words and poems but for real inwhich everyone would really feel it.It is like I once dreamt to live in the previous century where everbody loves his country, respect it and appreciate it to an extent that they could die for it, to an extent they could sacrifice their life to give the coming generations a new life.Unfortunatly, most of the new generations dont understand those values.It hurts me so much when I was at school in the morning lines and nobody even cares to stop talking to respect the national anthem.It disapointed me so much when I opened one of the groups in face book and I found our youth insulting their country.It is very depressing to compare the sacrifice done from the previous generations and their expected outcome of THE YOUTH of TODAY. Whatever happens I still have great hope that one day some unique youth like Ehab and many others could make a change in our country because it is a very special place to my heart. I promise you my country to do my best to make a real change.

I will always love you, Egypt.

You will find above the Lyrics and if you want to download the song, Please visit(

أنا مصرى
مسلم مسيحى أنا مصرى
فلاح صعيدى أنا مصرى
نوبى أو سيوى أنا مصرى
عند الضريح للأوليا ضويت شموعأنا مصرى
و ف الميلاد كان السبوع أنا مصرى
وربيعى جابه شم نسميى أنا مصرى
و مماتى كان للأربعينى أنا مصرى
لما الفرنسى والانجليزى والاسرائيلى جم بالاذيةما فرقوش
ولما نيلى جف ف نهار وخيره عليّا ما فرقهوشندرت ندرى
ولما جالى الخير فى يوم كنت ضاوي له شمعتينف مارى جرجس وسيدنا الحسين مانا مصرى

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